I actually ended up writing (one of) the world’s fastest (CPU-based) pixel sorters because I wanted to play around with the effect more.
You can find the code for it here https://github.com/patsore/pixel-sorter
Originally wrote this project as a way to learn GPU programming, and to that end I do think I succeeded. This gave me quite a lot of hands-on experience, as well as led to many hours spent on GPU data structure research lol, trying to implement Quadtrees/the Barnes-Hut method was unfortunately not fruitful. Might revisit this, as I have quite a lot of ideas for how to improve this. https://github.com/patsore/wgpu-n-body
I am, unfortunately, not cool enough for circuitbending, so I did the next best thing haha. Breaking files isn't usually something you do intentionally, so figuring out how to do it in a visually appealing way was a lot of fun. Very little processing via photoshop/any other software that was actually designed to process images was done, all of the visual effects are the results of unintentional software behavior.
I also enjoy just doing various kind of algorithmic art (calling myself an artist and what I do art feels horribly pretentious), the source code for most of which can (almost always) be found on my github profile.